Tuesday 16 December 2008

Romans Chapter 3 Verses 9 to 20: 'The Devil in the Detail'

Posted in by JS Gillespie |
From a Message Preached by Dr J Stewart Gillespie Romans Chapter 3 Verses 9 to 20: 'The Devil in the Detail' Many things we could say by way of general introduction to this section Not least of which is to ask a very basic question: 'Why should this section ever have been written'? There are many questions I do not know how the natural man tackles and handles and this is one of them: 'what gives rise to the utter condemnation of man in this book'? Maybe not such a trifling question as it seems!
  1. Chapter 1 - Rotten Sinner is Condemned by Creation
  2. Chapter 2 - Self Righteous Sinner is Condemned by Conscience
  3. Chapter 2 - Religious Sinner is condemned by Covenant or law

Maybe not such a trifling question as it seems! These verses (3:9-20) are really a conclusion to these previous individual condemnations of distinct groups within humanity This section is a total condemnation of all of humanity! If there is 1 aspect to the gospel which is offensive to modern ears it would be the content of the 1st 3 chapters of Romans: the sinfulness of man. Someone has coined the phrase: the Total Depravity of Man By that phrase I do not mean: "That man is as sinful as he could be" but rather that "Man can never be as good as he ought to be" - Dr J I Packer

Every part of mans being touched and corrupted by sin:

v11 - the mind / the heart v13 - the throat v13 - the tongue v13 - the lips v14 - the mouth v14 - the voice v15 - the feet v18 - the eyes

Mr Stott notes in this chapter that there is taught:

  1. The ungodliness of sin (v11, 18) - sin begins and ends when God is pushed to the side of my life
  2. All pervasiveness of sin
  3. Total Depravity of man

My very simple question: 'However did we get the verdict?' A verdict of universal guilt (v19) A verdict of total condemnation It is hardly natural / normal for man to condemn himself Yet these verses unswerving present the sinfulness of all of humanity They are drawn, as so much else of Romans is from the OT scriptures: Psalms, Proverbs and Ecclesiastes This book has been condemning us for 1000's of years and yet we preserve it! Even treasure it! There are many things that allow me the confidence to say this book is the inspired Word of God!

  • The Prophecies concerning the person of Christ, the nation of Israel and the nations of the world
  • The Pictures of Christ in the OT scriptures
  • The Patterns of Christ in the OT scriptures
  • The Personal way in which His Word speaks to me

This however would not be the least of the means of confidence in the inspiration of this book of books:

  • The condemnation of man in the Word of God. The Bible is not such a book as a man could write - fulfilled prophecies, patterns and pictures, but neither is it the kind of book a man would write! This book is not a testimony to mans ability to array a catalogue of excuses as to why he has failed This book is a testimony to why man is without excuse before God! If I know anything about anything it is about people! As men we tend to make excuses for our failures, underestimate our faults, gloss over our wrong doings, Gods Word does not. If it is natural to make light of our failings what is it to expose and to be utterly honest about our failings? It must be unnatural or supernatural. These verses are a testimony to the fact that there is a standard beyond man, against which man falls short of, against which man feels wholly inadequate

The 1st 3 chapters of Romans are testimony to the existence of: 'The Righteousness of God' and to that righteousness as revealed in law In the concluding section of Romans 3 we will see that Gods righteousness is not restricted to operating via law there is also: 'The Righteousness of God by faith' (3:22) We notice then that a section that many would grapple with, struggle with, seek to water down, is a striking testimony to the character of God, to a standard beyond you and I, this is a supernatural condemnation. It is natural for man to seek to prove that we are better than we might seem (v9), testimony again to the sense that there is a standard I fall short of! It is natural for the alcoholic to tell you he just takes a social drink, for the heavy smoker to underestimate his habit, for the addict to say they are doing fine when so obviously they are not. If it is natural to make excuses, what is it to declare that I am without excuse? Supernatural?? One final comment by way of introduction: If we see this verdict as only possible because of the righteousness of God in the law then we acknowledge this verdict is of God! The God who created man in Genesis chapter 1 is the God who condemns man in Romans chps 1 to 3! When God saw what He had created in Genesis chapter 1, after each Creatorial act God said: "it is good" but having created man, having completed His work of creation God said: "It was very good" (Gen1:31) How tragic it is that God who made man after His image and in His likeness has to write these words about His creation! God is not looking for sympathy mind you, I don't think that is the point! I do believe that God desires to demonstrate to us the sense of tragedy in mans condition I think if you and I are going to be useful to God and used by God to bring His message out from the platform and form the pews and from the pulpit to the people we too must share in this sense of tragedy Don't just go out with the gospel with a sense of sympathy but with a sense of tragedy The tragedy of broken homes, broken hearts, broken lived, lost souls, empty hopes, a fall into hell The bitter disappointment of sin We need to grasp a sense of that tragedy Remember the echo of Gen 1:31: "God saw every thing that He had made and behold it was very good" The Lord Jesus was touched with a sense of that tragedy: "weep not for me, weep for yourselves and for your children" (Luke23:28), the Saviour wept over Jerusalem, the Saviour who wept at the tomb of Lazarus (John 11) Perhaps we could borrow the words of the Lord Jesus from the parable of the tares and the wheat: “an enemy hath done this” (Matt 13:28) As I look down at the description of man in these verses and I look at the image, the reflection he casts in the mirror, a terrifying sight meets my eyes:

  • Smell the odour of death (v13)
  • Poison of the serpent (v13)
  • Lies of the tongue (v13)
  • Blood of murder (v15)
  • Way of destruction (v16)

The man of Romans 3 has cast in his lot with:

  • The one who is the father of lies (John 8:44)
  • The one who was a murderer from the beginning (John 8:44)
  • The one who had the power of death - the Devil (Heb 2:14)
  • The one is that old serpent - the Devil (Rev 12:9; 20:2)
  • The one whose name is destruction - Apollyon (Rev9:11) - the angel of the bottomless pit

Do we see what has happened here, do we see the tragedy of what man has become? Man made in the image of God, after His likeness has become conformed to the image of the Devil! The tragedy of what man was and what he has become! The story does not finish here however, in chapters 4 to 8 continues with the Triumph of what I can be in Christ! Never forget the tremendous potential in a life given over to Christ! Romans 5:20 : "Moreover the law entered, that the offence might abound. But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound" The God who created man out of the dust and the dirt and who formed man from the 'Ground to the Glory' is able to do the same again! God took man from the ground and gave him a glory above all of creation: Psalm 8:4,5 God who took man from the ground and gave him that glory is able to take man form the gutter and give him that glory again!

This is the subject of Romans chp 3:21 through chapters 4 and 5. v11 - The Mind - Intelligence about God v11 - The Motive - Interest in God

The path is traced inside out From within the very being of man to the outside Salvation must deal with man in the same way Rules, law, therapy and counselling and medicine is not enough The "understanding" would lie not so much in the 'head' but in the 'heart' cf. Eph 4:18 "Having the understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart" cf. 1 Kings 3:9 - Solomon prays for an "understanding heart" cf. Psalm 49:2 "the meditation of my heart shall be of understanding" cf. Prov 2:2 "apply thine heart to understanding" cf. Prov 3:4 "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding" The meditation and state of the mind determines the motive Man's motive can be focused on many things, consider the many clubs and associations even in a little village like New Cumnock: history club, art club, gardening club, football clubs (a number), bowling clubs, friendship club, photography club, stop smoking club, BBs, scouts, guides, girl guides, youth clubs, fishing clubs, community council, heather club, mother and toddlers club, working mans club, pigeon club, orange lodge, Masonic Lodge, young farmers club, exercise clubs, karate club, womans rural club! Men and women are able to pursue many interests but what about the God who made us?

v12 - The Profit & The Path & The Product

In business profit is synonymous with money and financial gain, not with Christ! What constitutes profitability? It is assessed by God, it is tried by fire:1 Co 3:11ff - it must be of Gold, Silver and precious stones It must be fit to be laid on the foundation Fire proof for eternity What I regard as profitable will determine the path I take: ease and comfort, financial prosperity, friendship and socialising Profitability - what is there for God? What is there of value to God? Product: fruit cf. John 15 and Gal 5 Christ and the Spirit needed

v13 - The Tongue and the Tomb The heart corrupted opens up into a throat (v13) A "sepulchre" - a place of death Not only a sepulchre but an "open sepulchre" Place of "stench", a place of smell Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh A voice form the tomb? Whose voice is it? A dead man talking? "dead in trespasses and in sins" (Eph2:1) Words and Works

  • From the heart (v11)
  • To the throat (v13)
  • To the tongue (v13)
  • Through the lips (v13)
  • Out of the mouth (v14)
  • From thought to word and then to deed

If it is behaviour that is to be changed, the heart and mind must be changed God works from the inside out

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