Friday, 14 November 2008

Romans Chapter 2 Verse 2 'Judged According to Truth'

Posted in by JS Gillespie |
"The judgement of God is according to truth" (2:2)
cf. Joshua 24:14
cf. John 4:23
cf. John 14:6
All "truth" comes from God
Therefore the rejection of TRUTH is the rejection of God!
Embracing that which is false is a rejection of that which is true.
Whilst the believer is captivated by He who is the TRUTH the world is fascinated by fallacy and fiction
Our appreciation of the sum total body of truth will be different
No man knows all of the truth
All have a different grasp of, a different appreciation or assimilation of the truth
We are not judged as to how much of the truth we know - not ATTAINMENT
Not judged as to how deeply we understand the TRUTH
But we are judged as to our ATTITUDE to the truth
"But unto them that are contentious and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, indignation and wrath." (2:8)
This attitude to the truth reveals our attitude of heart, wither it be the rejection of:
  1. Gods Glory in Creation – CREATION
  2. Gods Goodness in Conscience – CONSCIENCE
  3. Gods Grace in Covenant promise – COVENANT
  4. Gods Gospel in Christ - CHRIST

At different points in time and in different dispensations God has been rejected by man at these different levels
Irrespective as to what point man rejected the truth the end result is the same man rejected the truth from God and the truth of God.
That testimony of truth (Romans 2:2) which is rejected by man (Romans 2:8) is in fact different aspects of the truth concerning Christ (2:16) - judgement according to truth is judgement "by Jesus Christ"

  1. Creation - is the revelation of the Creatorial Glory of Christ (John1:1;Col1)
  2. Conscience - is the moral light from Christ (John1:9)
  3. Gospel is the revelation of the Redemptive Glory of Christ

It matters not which one of these spheres of Divine truth we reject - in rejecting 1 we reject Christ.
God has revealed His truth and man has rejected His truth
God is not morally obliged to present Gods truth in Christ so I can reject that too!
All men will be judged as to their attitude to the TRUTH
Some will be judged as having rejected the revelation of:

  4. Gods TRUTH in CHRIST

The common point is the same
All have rejected Gods truth
If I have an illness, eg a life threatening infection there are various ways I can avoid being cured:

  1. I can refuse to believe that I am ill, its not real, don't believe in illness, its all in the mind and therefore never seek medical help at all! - denial of Gods testimony in creation
  2. I can refuse to believe the doctors diagnosis - he's a bit dramatic that doctor, terrible for exaggerating, the bleak diagnosis troubles my conscience and so I reject it - refuse conscience!
  3. I can refuse to take the medicine, I don't like banana flavoured antibiotics - refuse salvation!

It doesn't matter at which point I reject the truth: in this case I have a life threatening infection and need urgent treatment, the outcome is the same!

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