Tuesday, 30 June 2009

Romans Chp 5 Verses 6 to 11: 'Life's Problems and Salvations Pla

Posted in by JS Gillespie |

God is Sovereign over:

  1. Life's Problems (5:1-5)

  2. Salvations Plan (5:6-11)

  3. Man's Plight (5:12-21)

  • We have seen that in Life's Problems a Grace that is Sovereign (5:21) is a Grace that is Sufficient: allowing the believer to “glory in tribulations also” (Rom 5:3)

  • In those verses we:

  1. First narrowed / focused down the ministry and we saw that for us to find good to glory in the problems of life we must first know Gods Salvation (5:1) for it is God by His Spirit (5:5) who turns these situations around. These promises can only really belong to the believer since it is Gods purpose in these problems to deepen my relationship with Him and to bring about in me a likeness to Christ by creating in me “faith” (5:1), “hope” (5:5) and “love” (5:4)

  2. Then we broadened out these verses and we suggested that whilst they only apply to the circumstances of a believers life they surely apply to all of the circumstances of a believers life; eg Jonah, who was in the belly of the whale because of his disobedience and sin but God was able to turn that situation around for his good, Ninevehs blessing and the Glory of God, and by the way just consider how in those circumstances Jonah was drawn closer to the person of Christ!

  3. Noted a condition: “By whom also we have access by faith into this grace” (5:2) – Gods treasure chest of grace is accessed by the key of faith. How often we cut ourselves off / lock ourselves out of grace and try to get in with a crow bar! Such a believer approaches the trial in faith, not simply the faith that 'it will all work out in the end' or the faith that says 'what's fur ye will no go bye ye' but rather the faith to rest in Him and to draw our resources from Him! We go into the trial in faith, we come out of the trial in faith. If we go into the trial in hope we come out of the trial in hope. If we go into that trial in unbelief we will either come out in unbelief or not come out at all. In those trials and tests we need to be “exercised thereby”. If you are a believer who in the trials and tests of life, does not pray, does not feed upon His Word, does not seek the “rainbow through the rain”, does not meditate upon His Word you run the very real risk of wasting your suffering. He gives us grace for every trial – we must take that grace to ourselves!

  • There are resources for those trials:

  1. The Sword of the Spirit: “the Word of God” - Emphasised in Luke 4

  2. Prayer (5:2) – to the fore in Romans 5:1-5

  • As we approach the trial in “faith” (5:2) and drawing from those wells, that sufficiency in Him, I can profit from those trials.

  • The “tribulation” worked “patience” - not just patience as a general characteristic or feature of life but patience with a prospect, patience in a person, the one whom I have experienced in the problems of life I can wait patiently on! I wait patiently for Him, at the place I met Him, a place of suffering and a path of suffering stained first by His own blood!

  • and patience experience” - “experience” or “proof” of the reality of our salvation.

  • Hope expected in trust becomes hope experienced in trial!

  • Shadrach, Meshach and Abednigo – the reality of their salvation was proven in the furnace.

  • The life of the believer is lived out with the same perspective, our life, our hope, our expectation is lived out waiting for our Lords return by a pool of His blood. Our life is lived out in the shadow of Calvary and I must interpret my life in the reality of His cross. Life is not a fun fare it is a furnace, not a picnic but a battle field! It is His cross and His work that brings sense and sheds its light on all of my life!

  • For” (v6) – these 2 sections are connected by the same idea / thought

  • These are not 2 unrelated or unconnected sections

  • What is the connection between the 2 sections?

  • We have just found that it is in the extremities of life that we have enjoyed the experiences of God

  • Is this a surprising discovery?

  • Is this an unexpected finding?

  • Why should it work like this? That when I come to the trials and tribulations of life and find that in these trials I am pushed beyond:

  1. Mind and its wisdom - wisdom

  2. Body and its strength - work

  3. Wealth and its riches - wealth

  • That instead of crumbling in the crises of life, in Him I can find triumph in the tragedy?

  • Is Christianity just pie in the sky when you die? If it is then the crises and problems of life are a recipe for Christian Crumble!

  • Instead we have found that when these trials are approached in faith we have seen that these ovens of adversity become a furnace which forges faith in the God who reveals Himself in your trials and tests and tribulations, as the God who is all sufficient for our problems!

  • Pity the believer who when faced with any: opposition, trial, discouragement, challenge, any fight for the faith gets up and hides, runs away, goes off in the huff – such a believer will never grow!

  • At the end of verse 5 we ask the question: “why” either :

  1. 'Why' in a negative way: 'But why does it have to be this way?' / 'Why can't I have an easier life?'

  2. 'Why' in a positive way: 'Why is it that I keep finding Christ in the Crises of life' / 'Why is it that when I come to the end of my resources I find that the cup that I thought was so empty, so useless, so hopeless, so desperate has just suddenly been gloriously filled by Him?'

  • Why is it this way?

  • Recently when my son decided to take up fishing the first reaction of my wife was to purchase him a life jacket, amongst the instructions on the life jacket:

  1. Not a substitute for a baby sitter

  2. This life jacket will keep your body floating on the surface of the water – providing you don't struggle!

  • The life vest will save you – if you let it!

  • Upon this principle God saves

  • Upon this principle – the same salvation principle I enjoy His salvation!

  • This simple principle of the life vest underpins Gods dealings with me in :

  1. Tribulation (5:1-5)

  2. Salvation (5:6-11)

  • The Principles by which God works in:

    Life's Problems

  • Are the same principles by which He works in:

    Salvations Plan

  1. The Conditions in which God saves (v6)

  1. By His Strength “when we were yet without strength

  2. In His Season “in due time

  3. By His Son “Christ died for the ungodly

  1. The Character of Gods when He acts (v6-9)

  1. Grace (v6-7)

  2. Love (v8)

  3. Mercy (v9)

  1. The Consequences of God Acting (v9-10)

  1. Justified (v9) – Right Relationship

  2. Reconciled (v10,11)

  3. Salvation (v10)

  4. Rejoicing (v11)

The Conditions in which God saves (v6)

  1. By His Strength “when we were yet without strength

  • Not our strength

  • We come to our weakness – I can't cope anymore, I can't manage it any more!

  • God takes me beyond my:

  1. Mind and its wisdom

  2. Body and its strength

  3. Wealth and its riches

  • God takes me beyond my:

  1. Intellectual ability

  2. Physical Strength

  3. Financial Resources

  • Thus saith the LORD, Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, neither let the mighty man glory in his might, let not the rich man glory in his riches: But let him that glorieth glory in this, that he understandeth and knoweth me, that I am the LORD which exercise lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness, in the earth: for in these things I delight, saith the LORD.” (Jer 9:23-24)

  1. In His Season “in due time

  • In “due time”: “καιρός” : in fullness of time

  • Gods plan of salvation was not a:

  1. Reaction

  2. Reflex

  3. Response

  • To the need of man but rather Gods solution precedes mans problems!

  • But when the fullness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law,” (Gal 4:4)

  • Gods perfect timing in Salvations Plan is paralleled by His perfect timing in Life's Problems – saw last week the testing of Christ in the wilderness: lasting 40 days – God was in control, a set time, Satan may buffet and test but God is in control:

  • 40 days, often linked in scripture with:

  1. Division – 40 days of trial effectively separate what come before from what comes after that trial, eg the 40 days of rain in the time of Noah – separated the old and the new world, Josephs mourning for Jacob 40 days in Gen 50 marks a water shed experience in his life!

  2. Provision – the 40 years in the wilderness for the nations of Israel were a time of Gods gracious provision (Ex 16:35; Deut 8:2,4) when they learned dependence on Him.

  3. Decision – Caleb at 40 years of age spied out the land of Canaan (Josh 14:7) and Elijah after 40 days in the wilderness (1Kings 19:8) had a life changing experience and decision to make!

  4. Preparation – for 40 days at Sinai Moses prepared himself to receive the law from God! (Deut 9:11-25)

  5. LimitationDeut 25:3 – punishment by whipping, within the nation of Israel was limited by God to 40 strips, a trial with set limits, under Gods control: “There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.” (1Co 10:13) – Gods judgement is tempered with Gods Grace.

  • Satan may be on the attack but God is in control of the trial, it lasted 40 days , God had set the bounds and the limits to this testing.

  • Every testing and every trial has its perfect completion and conclusion in the purposes of God.

  • There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.” (1Co 10:13)

  1. By His Son “Christ died for the ungodly

  • Our salvation begins with Gods provision in His Son

  • Our salvation is sustained by Gods provision in His Son:

    And Jesus answered him, saying, It is written, That man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.” (Luk 4:4)

    And he humbled thee, and suffered thee to hunger, and fed thee with manna, which thou knewest not, neither did thy fathers know; that he might make thee know that man doth not live by bread only, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the LORD doth man live.(Deu 8:3)

And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst.” (Joh 6:35)

  1. The Character of Gods when He acts (v6-9)

  1. Grace (v6-7)

  • We get what we don't deserve

  1. Love (v8)

  • Underpinning Gods plan of salvation and yes revealed in all His dealings with us even in those trials and tribulations; this is the great discovery that beckons, the eye of faith at the end of all of life's trials (Rom5:5).

  1. Mercy (v9)

  • We don't get what we do deserve!

  • In His salvation and in His tribulation God seeks to steer me away from His wrath, His anger, His displeasure: cf. Jonah in the belly of the whale, it may well have taken him down to the depths of hell: “And said, I cried by reason of mine affliction unto the LORD, and he heard me; out of the belly of hell cried I, and thou heardest my voice.” (Jon 2:2) – that same fish which also in Gods purpose took him down to hell also took him back to the path of service and fruitfulness from which he had strayed!

  1. The Consequences of God Acting (v9-10)

  1. Justified (v9) – Right Relationship

  2. Reconciled (v10,11)

  • Opportunity for salvation

  • It is not we but God who brings us into Grace

  • His Grace needs to be “received” (v11), this opportunity requires a response

  1. Salvation (v10)

  2. Rejoicing (v11)

Believers 190

O Christ, he is the fountain, the deep, sweet well of love! the streams of earth I've tasted more deep I'll drink above: there to an ocean fullness his mercy doth expand, and glory, glory dwelleth in Emmanuel's land. With mercy and with judgment my web of time he wove, and aye, the dews of sorrow were lustered with his love; I'll bless the hand that guided, I'll bless the heart that planned when throned where glory dwelleth in Emmanuel's land.

Believers 181:

verse 4 – Salvation that lies in the eternal counsels of God

verse 5 – Salvation that is realised in the circumstances of every day life

Click here to listen online to: 'Life's Problems and Salvations Plan'

Tuesday, 23 June 2009

Romans Chapter 5 Verses 1 to 5 & Luke Chp 4 Vs 1 to 22: 'Triumphs in Testing'

Posted in by JS Gillespie |
Notes on Romans from a message preached by J Stewart Gillespie:

Romans Chapter 5 Verses 1 to 5 & Luke Chp 4 Vs 1 to 22: 'Triumphs in Testing'

A friend who has recently been diagnosed with cancer and is undergoing chemo, a young man, said to me 'people say I am brave and standing up well, but I'm not, when I was in the police and I was faced with an opponent with a knife or a gang and I chose to stay rather than run away, then I was brave, but now I have nowhere to run to, I'm not brave, I'm terrified but I've got no choice.'
My friend correctly identified that the essence of any test is the presence of a choice – to continue or to capitulate, to go on or to give up, to fight or to surrender.
  • Circumstances may provide the test
  • Choice provides the temptation

There is no age barrier to testing, remarkable examples exist of those presented with a real test at the extremes of age: Josiah the child King, Samuel the child Priest, John the child Prophet, and Caleb 85 years old and still gaining ground for God, still choosing to press forward (Josh 14:9)
There are these times in the Christian life, times of testing, times when:

  • The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak
  • When the mind lies perilously exposed to the questions unanswered by human intelligence
  • Life's experiences are unyielding to natural explanation
  • Physical demands exceed our personal resources to deliver

At such times the:

  1. Test lies in the DEMANDS
  2. Temptation lies in the DECISION

The temptation consists of this: wither or not to persevere with the seemingly impossible, the unclear, the unexplained, the apparently unachievable and in so doing to cast myself wholly and completely upon His resources, His supply, His sufficiency or under the weight of the mental anguish from unanswered questions, experiences unexplained and of demands that seem to crush my physical frame under their sheer weight, I capitulate, I resign, I renege on my commitment, I choose the easier path, more often trod but leading to another destination.
Only one resource will suffice to maintain the believer in testing and before such temptation that is the resource that draws deep from the well of living water, that draws deep from the relationship I have with Him alone.

The Divine purpose of all testing is to bring me to precisely this point!
Each trial is designed in the purposes of God, a God who is sovereign over:

  1. Life's Problems (Rom 5:1-5)
  2. Salvations Plan (Rom 5:6-11)
  3. Man's Plight (Rom 5:12-21)

To exceed my:

  1. Mind and its wisdom
  2. Body and its strength
  3. Wealth and its riches

How tragic it is when a soul in testing turns in the midst of lifes problems to resource other than Christ with the cry: I can't cope anymore, that is precisely the purpose of the trial, but not to stop there, but to then bring us on to draw upon our resources in Him, not in anyone else or in anything else, not to look for the answers in a bag of heroin, a bottle of whiskey, a session of psychotherapy or a handful of homeopathy, but to look for and find those answers in Him.

“Thus saith the LORD, Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, neither let the mighty man glory in his might, let not the rich man glory in his riches: But let him that glorieth glory in this, that he understandeth and knoweth me, that I am the LORD which exercise lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness, in the earth: for in these things I delight, saith the LORD.” (Jer 9:23-24)

Each trial designed to exceed my:

  1. Mind and its wisdom: “Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom,”
  2. Body and its strength “ neither let the mighty man glory in his might”
  3. Wealth and its riches “ let not the rich man glory in his riches”

Each trial intended to bring me to those rich resources of relationship to Christ: “But let him that glorieth glory in this, that he understandeth and knoweth me,”
As we face the adversary, He alone has the answers.

  1. I cannot answer it – do I trust Him?
  2. I cannot bear it – do I rest in Him?
  3. I cannot manage it – do I depend on Him?

In His will and in my willingness these trials will bring me to this: “And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.” (2Co 12:9)

To survive the test I must go beyond the the resources of my own:

  1. Wisdom : “Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom,”
  2. Work: “ neither let the mighty man glory in his might”
  3. Wealth “ let not the rich man glory in his riches”

Everyone who has been used and who has been useful to God has had to learn these lessons!
God can only use those to build His Kingdom and advance His cause who draw on His resources!

  1. Not a Saul who depended upon his armour but a David who rested on His God
  2. Not a man with his chariots but a woman Jael who would drive a tent peg through the temple of Sisera
  3. Not a general to deliver His people from the Midianites but a farmer boy, least amongst the tribes of Manasseh : Gideon

There were those who came with natural strength and ability – they had to learn to draw from resources deeper than that:

  1. Jacob – came with his cunning and wisdom – he must first walk with a limp
  2. Samson – came with his strength – needed first to be humbled and broken
  3. Peter – self confidence

In Luke 4: all natural resources are removed: wilderness testing, a fast for 40 days, but a time determined by God and into which He was led by the Spirit of God; the endurance was possible.

The temptation for us is one of:

  1. Resources: To draw on resources other than Him (4:3-4)
  2. Reasons: To pursue other goals, or other reasons for going on
  3. Relationship: To doubt and challenge our relationship with Him (4:5-11)

Resources: To draw on resources other than Him (4:3-4)

The temptation to draw on other resources: “And the devil said unto him, If thou be the Son of God, command this stone that it be made bread.” (Luk 4:3)

  1. To draw on our own WISDOM
  2. To draw on our own WORK
  3. To draw on our own WEALTH

To draw from His resources: “And Jesus answered him, saying, It is written, That man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.” (Luk 4:4)

Reasons: To pursue other goals, or other reasons for going on

“And the devil said unto him, All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it.” (Luk 4:6)
“And he brought him to Jerusalem, and set him on a pinnacle of the temple, and said unto him, If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down from hence:” (Luk 4:9)
To go on for His Glory alone brings opposition, easier at times to pursue a more congenial goal
His Glory to be put to the side, His Kingdom no more paramount in our purposes
When holiness is too hard, compromise comes calling!
Temptation to drop the standards, any Kingdom will do!Promotion of self rather than Christ!

  1. Promote Self (III John)
  2. Please Men (2 Tim 4:3)
  3. Pursue Prosperity (1 Tim 6:9-10)
  4. Power and Place (Luke 4:6)

Relationship: To doubt and challenge our relationship with Him (4:5-11)

No longer simple trusting faith in the tender mercies of God, day by day, nor in the undeniable progress of Divine purpose in my life
I become bold, arrogant and showy, demanding of God and seeking proofs and evidences of His care and concern for me.
But why should I trust Him?

  1. I Desire it (v4) – I desire Him and His Word, “Then Simon Peter answered him, Lord, to whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal life.” (Joh 6:68). “All the way the Saviour leads me what have I to ask besides...” What brought Naomi back from Moab? There was the negative: her husband and boys died, but what of the positive: “The Lord had visited His people in giving them bread” (Ruth1:6). What brought Josephs brethren to him again? There was famine in Canaan – the negative but Gen 42:2 “Behold I have heard that there is corn in Egypt” - the positive pull of bread!
  2. God Demands It (v8) – God is God!! God demands my worship! I know He is God: OT prophecies, OT pictures, OT patterns, answered prayer, the power of His word! In the OT people never worshipped God because things were easy or because they had all the answer or because they had no problems, and no obstacles in the way, they worshipped God because He was God and they knew He was God because:
    He had brought them out of Egypt by a might y hand
    He had performed miracles in their midst
    He had met their need
    He had spoken by Moses in the law
    He had refreshed their souls with water from the rock and with manna from heaven
    He had fulfilled and kept His word, His promises to Abraham and to Moses and to the prophets!
    God is God! Illust: Howdoes a baby breath in its mothers tummy? Answer: it doesn't! What goes into its mouth and nose? But it would drown! The maternal – fetal circulation!
  3. Christ Deserves It – His tender mercies, sustaining grace, grace for every trial, a Saviour who pursued Glory by the way of the cross, God did not present to me a gospel of works, of self effort, of self improvement but of salvation by grace, through faith.

Consider also:

  1. Reason for the Trial
  2. Result of the Trial
  3. Resources in the Trial

Reason for the Trial

In this testing we easily recognise that Christ was “tempted of the Devil” (4:2)
There is in this testing: Satanic Confrontation
We may well have anticipated Satanic Confrontation – after all we have just heard Divine Commendation of Christ from heaven (3:22)
Hell does does not ignore the man that heaven commends!
But whilst there is Satanic Confrontation there is Divine Control
Satan may confront Christ in the trial but God is in control of the trial
The Spirit of God takes the initiative, the Spirit of God “led” Christ into the wilderness (4:1). Everything had not gone wrong!
God is in control of the trial, it lasted 40 days - a time of testing

40 days, often linked in scripture with:

  1. Division – 40 days of trial effectively separate what come before from what comes after that trial, eg the 40 days of rain in the time of Noah – separated the old and the new world, Josephs mourning for Jacob 40 days in Gen 50 marks a water shed experience in his life!
  2. Provision – the 40 years in the wilderness for the nations of Israel were a time of Gods gracious provision (Ex 16:35; Deut 8:2,4) when they learned dependance on Him.
  3. Decision – Caleb at 40 years of age spied out the land of Canaan (Josh 14:7) and Elijah after 40 days in the wilderness (1Kings 19:8) had a life changing experience and decision to make!
  4. Preparation – for 40 days at Sinai Moses prepared himself to receive the law from God! (Deut 9:11-25)
  5. Limitation – Deut 25:3 – punishment by whipping, within the nation of Israel was limited by God to 40 strips, a trial with set limits, under Gods control: “There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.” (1Co 10:13) – Gods judgement is tempered with Gods Grace.

Satan may be on the attack but God is in control of the trial, it lasted 40 days , God had set the bounds and the limits to this testing.

Result of the Trial
Gods control of the trial can be particularly seen in the results that flow from that trial.
Prior to the trial Christ is “Led of the Spirit” and “full of the Spirit” (4:1) and after the trial He “returned in the power of the Spirit” (4:14)
This trial was part and parcel of the ministry and life of the person of Christ
Practically we can have the Spirit and be led by the Spirit but not necessarily move out in the power of the Spirit.
We can have a car, filled with petrol, with a Sat Nav telling us the way and yet never switch on the ignition and put our foot to the floor and move forward with power and with confidence.
So often it is in trial and testing in our life that this transition is made from potential to practical from theory to practice, from knowing to doing from considering to committing, from possession to power!
Trial and testing can so often mark a water shed in our spiritual pilgrimage
We can discern a water shed here in the life of Christ: this trial marks the division between the private years and the public years (3:20-23).
God will always PROVE those of whom He APPROVES!
This is a water shed experience linked with a Jordan crossing (4:1)
Here we have a Jordan crossing, linked with 40 days, linked with a wilderness experience and linked with the NT Joshua, and linked with a 3 X quotation from the book of Deuteronomy (Lk4:4,8,12)

The Jordan was a river that divided:

  1. Victims in the wilderness from victors in the land
  2. Slaves out of Egypt from Soldiers in Canaan
  3. Egypts rejects from Canans rulers
  4. Those whose only inheritance so far had been the graves they had dug in the wilderness from those who possessed the Glory of the promised land!
  5. Those who had drunk water from the rock from those who would now enjoy the land flowing with milk and honey!
  6. The Jordan divided between those who were content with mediocrity – out of Egypt but not in possession of the promises of God from those who were like Caleb and Joshua determined to possess there inheritance and claim their rights!

First a Jordan to cross, and whenever a Jordan is crossed in our spiritual life thre is opposition looming on the horizon!
They had not “gone this way heretofore” (Josh 3:4)
The ark would go before and Christ would lead the way
Here in Luke 4 He goes before, He leads the way!
Having crossed the Jordan of spiritual experience we move into a period of spiritual progress and expansion (4:16ff).
Resources in the Trial
It is the use of Divine resources in trial that so often bring us to that place of expansion
Rom 5:1-5 – what is Promised in Trust is Proven in Trial, the Glory Expected (Rom5:2) becomes the Glory Experienced (Rom5:4,5) in trial and testing.
When faced with spiritual opposition and satanic opposition we are forced to draw from the only resources that are fit for the task, to dig deep and to draw from those deep wells in Christ (Gen 28, John 4).
It is the digging of these deep wells and the drawing from His resources that truly constitute the purpose of the trial and the test.

Consider the resources the Lord draws on:

  1. Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God (4:4,8,12)
  2. Breast plate of Righteousness (4:12)
  3. Girdle of Truth (4:8,9-12)
  4. Feet shod with the preparation of the gospel (4:18) – the best plan of defence is attack!
    Satans opposition forces us to draw deep from the wells of Divine resources

The only kind of men can use to advance His Kingdom is men who draw their resources from Him and from Him alone:

“Thus saith the LORD, Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, neither let the mighty man glory in his might, let not the rich man glory in his riches: But let him that glorieth glory in this, that he understandeth and knoweth me, that I am the LORD which exercise lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness, in the earth: for in these things I delight, saith the LORD.” (Jer 9:23-24)

It is so easy at times for us to depend upon our own:

  1. Wisdom “Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom,”
  2. Work “neither let the mighty man glory in his might.”
  3. Wealth “let not the rich man glory in his riches.”

God needs men who relinquish there own resources in favour of His

  1. Wisdom “And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power:” (1Co 2:4)
  2. Work : Samson at his strongest when at his weakest, Gideon the farmer who was least in the house of Manasseh
  3. Wealth : the rich young ruler would have to learn that he could not buy his way to heaven!

The kind of men whom God uses to enlarge His kingdom are men who draw their resources from Christ!
We begin so often to truly use these resources in trial and in testing!
Consider the spiritual progress made by Gods people in 1 John 2:12-14 – the child who knows his sins forgiven and who knows the Father and the young men who have overcome the wicked one by the Word of God (v14) – tey have matured spiritually by virtue of the fact that they are drawing from those spiritual resources that are theirs in Christ!
Beware these resources are under attack in the trial!
One of the deadliest viruses in the world: HIV – it is so deadly because it attacks the immune system – the T Cells that are needed to kill it!

Satan attacks the resources needed to defeat him!

  1. Word of God (4:4)
  2. Worship of God (4:8)
  3. Ways of God (4:9-12)

Satan attacks:

  1. Person of Christ (4:3) - Christ
  2. Priority of the Kingdom (4:5ff) - Crown
  3. Plans of God (4:9ff) - Cross

Word of God (4:4)
One thing about a 40 day fast – it gives you an appetite!
An appetite for the true bread and for no substitute (4:3)
These stones will do as no substitute for the Word of God!
We need the real stuff!
Amidst all of the questions and grumblings in the wilderness from the people of Israel: where are we going to? How will we be fed? Where will we get water from? Whatever will happen to our children? They received 1 answer from God!
It must have been a big answer to answer all of those questions!
It was: that he might make thee know that man doth not live by bread only, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the LORD doth man live.” (Deu 8:3)
God is all sufficient!
There is nothing like famine conditions to make us appreciate the sweetness of the bread of life!
Worship of God (4:8)
Ways of God (4:9-12)

Tuesday, 16 June 2009

Romans Chapter 5 Verses 1 to 5: 'Life's Problems'

Posted in by JS Gillespie |
Notes on Romans form a Message Preached by J Stewart Gillespie on:

Romans Chapter 5 Verses 1 to 5: 'Life's Problems'

vs 1: "therefore" - old preachers used to say: "wherever you see a 'therefore' ask what is it 'therefore'?
It is a conjunction of course - joins us to what has gone before
Back to justification: here is another deep doctrine with very practical consequences: Relationship:
  1. Relationship Established by Faith (5:1)
  2. Relationship Evidenced by Peace (5:1)
  3. Relationship Enjoyed in Grace (5:2)
  4. Relationship Experienced in the Problems of Life (5:3-5)

Recall as we worked through together Justification by Faith we traced the beginnings of the doctrine in OT:

  1. Justification by Faith is Nothing New
    Righteousness (3:21) apart from the law - saw that in Lots rescue from Sodom and Gomorrah and in the rescue of Rahab from Jericho
    Redemption (3:24) - could trace the origins of redemption back to the nation of Israels release from Egypt in Exodus 12, under the blood of the passover lamb and following the death of the firstborn.
    Propitiation (3:25) - we were able to see pictures of this great truth back in the great day of Atonement in Leviticus 16 and perhaps even further back in the covering for Noah's Ark, pitched within and without with pitch
  2. Justification by Faith is Faith in a Person:
    Those justified in OT days did not have the knowledge of spiritual truths that we do:
    "For verily I say unto you, That many prophets and righteous men have desired to see those things]which ye see, and have not seen them; and to hear those things which ye hear, and have not heard them." (Matt13:17)
    "How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation; which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed unto us by them that heard him;" (Heb2:3)
  3. Justification by Faith is a Full Salvation:
    Righteousness Credited (4:1-5)
    Sin Cleansed (4:6-8)
  4. Justification by Faith is by Faith Alone
    Abraham: no strength
    Abraham: no circumcision
    Abraham: no covenant
  5. Justification by Faith is the Beginning not the End
    Past Promises
    Present Power
    Future Prospect
    Justification by faith looks forward
    That salvation experience which for some began many years ago was the beginning of an experience of God that lasts into eternity
    The world has a saying: 'Today is the first day of the rest of your life'
    For the believer: Justification by faith is the beginning of the rest of eternity!

It has a purpose it has a goal:

  1. Relationship Established in Faith (5:1)
  2. Relationship Evidenced by Peace (5:1)
    Peace established between the soul and God
    Sin forgiven and cleansed
    "perfect love casteth out fear" (1John4:18)
    The troubled conscience is satisfied with Gods solution (Rom4:6-9)
    A soul who enjoys experientially:
    The 4 X blessedness
    The 3 X Forgiveness
    The 2 X Negative
    The single justification
    By that we have "peace"
    By that one sacrifice God is satisfied:
    God satisfied
    Man Justified
    by Christ Crucified
    So I have peace with God
    Justification by faith is different from:
    meditation (peace with self)
    They may give a transient sense of peace but not with God
    Now that peace has broken out there is a relationship with God to be enjoyed
    Relationship Enjoyed in Grace
    "The grace wherein we stand"
    There are 4 rivers out of Eden
    "There is a river the streams thereof make glad the city of God" (Psalm 46)
    Our position: the gospel of the grace of God
    God has had His streams of Grace in the past:
    Grace to David (Rom4:7-8)
    Grace to Abraham (Rom4)
    Grace in Jobs day (Job 9:2; 25:4)
    Grace to the child (Rom5:18; Matt 18, Matt 19, Luke 18)
    Gods Glory - everything that He is
    Everything that makes God to be God
    2 Co3:18 - A Glory Reflected
    1 Jo 3:2 - A Glory Perfected
  3. Relationship Experienced in Problems:
    "And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience;" (Rom5:3)

Before we look at this section there are 3 questions we should be clear about:

  1. Who is it that can rejoice in tribulations?
  2. What are the tribulations?
  3. Do all tribulations always and inevitably bring about patience, experience and hope?

Who is it that can rejoice in tribulations?

We notice that this section does not present general truth for all people
It is not stated here as an inevitability that in the life of all people tribulation and difficulty always brings about patience and experience and hope.
There are many people who experience difficulties and disappointments in life and just become hard, cold, bitter, resentful and cynical about life.
This section begins with justification by faith in verse 1 and ends with the Spirit indwelling in verse 5 and so this section and the truth of this section can really only be claimed by the believer.

What are the tribulations?

Some would note that tribulation in the NT usually has to to do with persecution for our faith in Christ
Do these truths then only apply to those problems of life that arise because of our faith in Christ?
I think not!
The God who is in control of tribulations and trial that comes because of our faith in Christ is the God who is also in control of every aspect of our life!
We need not restrict Gods sovereignty and Gods purpose to those adversities that come about as a direct result of following Christ.
One of the examples we will look at of Gods dealing in Grace in adversity with His people is that of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednigo in the fiery furnace, that testing, due to their faith in and faithfulness to Christ was used by God for the good and for His Glory!
But we could equally consider the example of Jonah, not in the furnace but in the water, his trial was not because of faithfulness to God but nonetheless in the Sovereign hand of God that trial ultimately was for his good, for Gods Glory and for the blessing of others!
Be wary about attempting to restrict the grace of God in His purposes in your life!

Do all tribulations always and inevitably bring about patience, experience and hope?

I was asked this question recently after speaking on this section of Romans.
The questioner had in mind Heb 12:11 "Now no chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous, but grievous: nevertheless afterward it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby."
Indeed we would have to recognise that whilst "tribulation worketh patience and patience experience and experience hope" that this is not the inevitable result of all trial and testing
I can harden my heart against the chastening hand of the Lord, as the people of Israel did long ago in the wilderness and adamantly refused to be softened and moulded by Gods hand in my life.
"And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience;" (Rom5:3)
That is: the soul who is able to rejoice in the hope of the glory of God is able to rejoice in tribulations also!
How can the soul who rejoices in the "hope of the Glory of God" also rejoice in tribulations?
Here is the totally amazing truth:

Tribulation in the life of the believer is under the sovereign hand of God!
Tribulation in the life of the believer works to the same end as his justification!
Tribulation / trial / trouble / difficulty all bring the believer closer to his hope (5:4,5)

That which is promised in justification is proven in tribulation!

God promises me Himself, His Glory and His a relationship with Him eternally
God promises me resemblance to His Son eternally!
These are the bold promises of Justification by Faith
In Tribulation the reality of that relationship which I depend upon eternally is experienced in time!
How do I know that I can depend upon Him for eternity?
Because I have just depended upon Him to get me through this day and He hasn't let me down!
Justification allows me to Rejoice in Hope
Tribulation, in part allows me to Realise that Hope
What is:
Promised in Trust
Proven in Trial
How do I know that salvation actually works?
Is it just pie in the sky when I die?
Do I need to wait until eternity to see if all of this is actually real? If all of this actually works?
No! Because in the practical problems of life God draws me into the experience of His Glory that awaits me in eternity!
"The love of God is shed abroad in our hearts" (5:5)
"Hope maketh not ashamed" (5:5)
I trusted Him for time and for eternity and He has not disappointed me!
I experienced His grace and His love and a little foretaste of His Glory and that in the trials of life!
We've put this to the test and it has worked!
"patience, experience; and experience, hope"
"experience": character / proof - from the word for testing
Through the temporary and transient testing of tribulation the value and reality of our eternal hope is proven and established as real and dependable!
"tribulation worketh patience;" (Rom5:3)

Oh great that is just what I need - patience!

  • I'm a really impatient person
  • Terrible at waiting in queues
  • I get really irritated when the bus is late
  • Hate to be left hanging on

Sorry to disappoint but these verses are not really thinking so much about patience as a general personality trait but rather:

  • Patience with a Purpose
  • Patience with a Cause
  • Patience to wait on the Glory of God
  • Patience to bear up under the pressures and problems of life knowing that because of the experience of God which I am enjoying the fulfilment of my hope is certain
  • This is endurance that flows out of the enjoyment of the special help and presence of God in the difficulties of the Christian experience

The bus doesn't turn up, you get fed up and go home
If someone tells you - ah the bus is running late today - it will be in 15 mins - well you wait, you hang on
Why? Because you have hope, the hope that it will come, delayed it may be but you have a token that the bus will soon appear around the corner
You now have a reason to be patient
This is patience with a purpose, patience with a prospect, patience with a hope.
“And patience, experience; and experience, hope:” (Rom 5:4)
“experience”: “δοκιμή” : proof, trial, test

Proof of what?

  1. Proof that I am real? Not in doubt in this section which opens with the assumption that we are dealing with genuine believers (5:1) and clses with the same (5:5)
  2. Proof that God is real? Hardly in question here
  3. Proof that salvation by justification by faith does actually work? It is this later issue that Paul has been busy defending in chp 4 against the Jewish critic.
    These trials are proof that salvation does actually work!
    Consider the experience of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednigo in Daniel chp 3. What did this experience in the fiery furnace prove?
    That they were real? They wouldn't have been in the furnace if they weren't!
    That God was real? That wasn't in doubt – that was why they had taken the stand!
    That salvation actually worked? That God rewarded and honoured the simple trusting faith of the believer who rested in obedience in His promises no mater what the cost? (Dan 3:25)
    “Hope” : because we have had a foretaste of Gods Glory in our experience!
Tuesday, 9 June 2009

Romans Chapter 5 Verses 1 to 5: Grace and Glory

Posted in by JS Gillespie |
Notes from a mesage preached by Dr J Stewart Gillespie on: Romans Chapter 5 Verses 1 to 5: Grace and Glory Romans chp 5 deals with some of the great questions that the Word of God throws up:
  1. The Problem of Evil
  2. The Purpose in creation and the fall of man
  3. The Suffering and death of the innocent
  4. Trouble and trials in the life of the believer
  5. The Destiny of Children

Saw some of the great themes of Romans 5:

  1. The Sovereignty of God – Gods Power
  2. The Sufficiency or Superabundance of Gods Grace – Gods Plan
  3. The Sin of man – Gods Purpose
  4. The Sovereignty of God – Gods Power

God is in control! Gods grace / plan of salvation is not:

  • A Response
  • A Reaction
  • A Reflex

to mans problems / plight but Gods plan of salvation is:

The Reason

behind all of the problems!

A week or so ago the cars hand brake broke and so I took it to the garage to get it fixed. Human reasoning says I got the handbrake fixed because it was broken! Romans 5 reasoning says the handbrake was broken so that it could be fixed!

A couple of days ago I got fed up with the loft looking a mess and so I tidied it. Human reasoning says that because the loft was a mess I tidied it but Romans 5 reasoning says that the loft was a mess so that it could be tidied!

ie. the solution precedes the problem in Romans 5! The reason for the problem is that the solution, Gods plan of salvation may be brought into action! We may well question that kind of reasoning, for after all what is the point of something being broken simply that it mught be fixed or in something being a mess that it might be tidied? What is the purpose in Adams sin and the fall and the great work of salvation simply so that God should bring us back to where we started in the garden of Eden? The answer of course is that God in the out working of His plan and purpose does not bring us bac to where we started at all, He takes us beyond where we have ever been before! God takes us in the closing chapter of His book in the final analysis not to Eden but to a place:

  • Where there is no tree of knowledge of good and evil
  • Where there is no serpent
  • Where nought that defileth shall enter there in
  • Where sin and earth and tears have been abolished eternally!
  • He has moved us from enjoying the “streams” (Ps 46:4) from being in a place through which the river flows through in 4 branches (Gen2:10) to the very source of that river Himself (Rev22:1).
  • In so doing He brings us to Himself!

In Adam we were His by Creation In Christ we are His by Redemption

In Adam we are His by right In Christ we are His by choice

In Adam we are His by creatorial power In Christ we are His by sacrificial passion

Gods great work of salvation has changed our relationship with Him.

Gods great work of salvation has changed our resemblance to Him:

  1. “faith” (5:1)
  2. “hope” (5:4,5)
  3. “love” (5:5)

now marks His people in a way that Adam was never marked by them simply by virtue of His creation.

  1. “faith” (5:1) – Adam had faith to believe in God as his creator of course! No doubts or questions here about the possibility of evolution or aliens from outer space seeding earth with the germ of life! But when it came to trusting God implicitly over His motives and instructions Adam failed (Gen3:4,5). As Gods redeemed people we know that He can be completely trusted over all aspects of life, time and eternity, past and present and future for we know Him as the God who “spared not His own Son but delivered Him up for us all...” we can trust Him with a faith unclouded and unquestioned.
  2. “hope” (5:4,5) – Our hope is a keener, fresher and realer hope than Adam ever had: we can look back at the problems of life, the plan of salvation, the plight of man, knowing that the God who has been sufficient for all of that will be sufficient likewise for the future. This hope, our hope is founded upon concrete experience of a real and living Saviour.
  3. “love” (5:5) – As NT believers we are privileged to learn more of Gods love in 1 verse of scripture than Adam had opportunity to learn in the whole of His 950 years: “Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins.” (1Jn 4:10)

These 3 abiding qualities mark Gods people right the way through the Word of God: 1Co 13:13; 1Thess1:3; 1Thess3:10-13; 1Peter1:7; 2Peter 1:5-7. The Sufficiency or Superabundance of Gods Grace – Gods Plan

Gods Grace is the Pathway to Gods Glory:

  1. Gods Glory Mocked (Rom1:23)
  2. Gods Glory Missed (Rom3:23)
  3. Gods Glory Mine (Rom5:2)

The Sin of man – What was Gods Purpose in allowing man the opportunity to sin in the garden of Eden?

The problem of evil:

This greatest of Theological problems arises out of the answer to a set of straightforward questios:

  1. Did God create everything? - Yes – He is Creator!
  2. Did God create the garden of Eden, Adam, the tree of knowledge of good and evil and the serpent? - Surely
  3. Did God know what was going to happen? - certainly He is omniscient

Why did God allow it to happen? God did not permit all of this to happen simply to get us back to where we started – there would be no point in that at all! By the problems of life and Gods plan of salvation He takes us beyond where we have ever been before! We no longer simply belong to Adam, we now belong to Christ

Gods Purpose Preceeds mans Problem:

  1. “For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly.” (Rom5:6)
  2. “But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”
  3. “when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son,”
  4. “Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam's transgression, who is the figure of him that was to come.” (Rom5:14) – Adam was but the shadow and Christ the Substance, Adam but the figure and Christ the fullness!

Gods Purpose Precedes mans Problem! Gods purpose worked out over 6000 years, 66 books, 40 prophets and 1 supreme sacrifice – that of His Son was purposed ever before mans problem arose and does not simply take us back to the beginning again!

In Genesis 1 we were His by Design

In Rev 22 I am His by Desire – I am His and He is mine! Not because I have to be but because I want to be and because He wants me to be too!

I have chosen Him over this world, the flesh and the Devil

He has chosen me even at the cost of His own blood!

Does God bring me back to where we went wrong! Not a bit of it!

Sunday, 24 May 2009

Romans Chapter 5 Verse 14: 'The Bibles Biggest Problem'

Posted in by JS Gillespie |
Notes on the Epistle to the Romans from a message preached by J Stewart Gillespie on: Romans Chapter 5 Verse 14: 'The Bibles Biggest Problem'
  1. Representation as a Problem and a Power (v12,15-19)
  2. Relationship as a Pattern (v11,12,17)
  3. Death as a Product (v12)
  4. Sin as a Principle: “sin entered...” (5:12)
  5. Adam as a Picture: “who is the figure...” (5:14)

Adam as a Picture: “who is the figure...” (5:14)

Sometime ago I was asked by one of my boys, one of the most basic and perplexing questions which can be asked concerning Gods revelation of His plan of redemption in the scripture, a question which recurs from time to time and which is very rarely ever answered.

The question or series of questions go like this:

  1. Did God make Adam and Eve and the garden of Eden? – Answer Yes – God is Creator.
  2. Did God know what was going to happen when He made Adam and Eve in the garden? - Answer Yes – God is Omniscient.
  3. Why did God make the tree of knowledge of good and evil and why did He let the serpent in? - Hard question –
  4. Is He really all knowing and is He really all powerful?
  5. If God allowed Adam and Eve to fall, for sin to enter into the world and then by the work of Christ God saved them what exactly is the point to it all? Are we not just back where we started?

I have referred to this as the Bible's biggest problem. It is sometimes referred to as the Problem of Evil! The problem lies in this, if I claim that God is creator and if I claim that God is omniscient and that God is omnipotent then at some point then at the very least God allowed evil to enter in with the full knowledge of the consequences of that sin entering into the world! Furthermore it may well seem that the production of a plan of salvation is either admission of failure on the part of God or an indicator that His universe is somehow out of control and needs a rescue package to bring it back. Worse still sometimes our gospel preaching can almost indicate that! If there is one chapter of the Bible which would tackle this question head on I would believe that it would be Romans chapter 5 and the answers are quite surprising! In Romans chapter 5 Paul will take 3 areas of human experience that appear to have gone wrong and are out of control:

  1. The Problems of Life (5:1-5)
  2. The Plan of Salvation (5:6-11)
  3. The Plight of Humanity (5:12-21)

In these 3 areas of 'life gone wrong' we will discover that:

  • God is in control – we need not compromise on Gods omnipotence nor on His omniscience.
  • God does not react to the problem God pre-empts the problem
  • Gods purpose in the problem is not to bring as back to the beginning again, Gods purpose is not to permit a problem simply to solve a problem as the question inferred but God has a glorious purpose in all of lifes problems from the microcosm of every day life in vs 1 to 5 to the macrocosm of the plight of the whole of humanity in vs 12 to 21.
  • Salvation does not take us back to Eden, it takes us beyond Eden. Eden was a wonderful place – from it flowed out 4 rivers. God does not take me back to Eden, in salvation He takes me beyond Eden to the source of that water that flowed through Edens paradise: “There is a river, the streams whereof shall make glad the city of God, the holy place of the tabernacles of the most High. God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved: God shall help her, and that right early.” (Psa 46:4-5) Revelation closes, and your problems dear believer will conclude, not with man back in Edens garden but with redeemed humanity at the very source of that river that flowed through Eden and in a paradise where there is no serpent and where there is no tree of knowledge of good and evil and where there is nought that defileth that enters therein, and you know what – we don't want that kind of version of freedom anymore, that version of freedom that leaves man the slave of sin and of self and of Satan we want the kind of freedom which renders man forever the willing servant of God.

It took God 6 days to create the universe as you and I know it and understand it. On the 5th day He created man in His own image – 5 days to make natural man – Adam. It has taken God over 6000 years, about 40 prophets, 66 books, the global preaching of the gospel message ….. Bibles, over 300 prophecies concerning the perosn of Christ, the careful orderinga nd appointing of human history, and supremely above all of that, the death of His Son on the Cross at Calvary, it has cost God all of that, why? To get us back to what we were? No! Not a bit of it!

  • It took God 5 days to make natural man
  • It has taken the mighty work of Christ and the plan and purposes of redemption to make spiritual man!

“And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit.” (1Co 15:45)

You have pictures of it of course with Jacob and Esau:

The earth could produce an Esau (Gen 25:25ff) but only the workings of the Spirit of God could produce a Jacob: “And he blessed Joseph, and said, God, before whom my fathers Abraham and Isaac did walk, the God which fed me all my life long unto this day, The Angel which redeemed me from all evil, bless the lads; and let my name be named on them, and the name of my fathers Abraham and Isaac; and let them grow into a multitude in the midst of the earth.” (Gen 48:15-16)

Having passed through the experiences of Romans 5:

  1. The Problems of Life (5:1-5)
  2. The Plan of Salvation (5:6-11)
  3. The Plight of Humanity (5:12-21)

Humanity is not what it once was! Just as Gods dealings in the life of Jacob did anything but bring him back to what he originally had been! If Gods work simply took humanity back to what it had been there would have been no point to redemption, nor to the work of Christ nor to the total revelation of God from genesis to Revelation! Whilst my first concern in the problems of life is so often to get back to where I once was: to the peace I once enjoyed, to the paradise of Eden, that is the last thing in Gods agenda, God desires to take me beyond where I have ever been before, beyond His paradise to His Presence and to His Person and to have a Passion for Him as I have never had before. For all is for His Glory (Rom5:2,21) even when that Glory is achieved at the cost of the death of His Son on the cross at Calvary. It took God 5 days to produce Adam, but it has taken God 6000 years and the mighty work of Christ, His revelations in scripture, His work in us by His Spirit to produce Spiritual men, men fashioned not after Adam but after Christ! What sets such an individual apart? It strikes me that after all of Gods dealings with us and after His work of redemption and salvation, the scriptures consistently testify that we have, since the fall of Adam and the redemption in Christ we have gained in those 6000 years of turmoil and tragedy something that Adam never had.

We often refer to it as resemblance – resemblance to Christ that is.

Specifically 3 abiding features of Christ likeness seem to be to imprinted into the character of the believer as a result of all of this mighty work of Christ. Let us not miss the import of this, that what we are saying is that the reason that God has done all that He has done is produce in me:

  1. Faith – (5:1,2) – faith - A faith unlike Adams faith, for this is a faith that is prepared to trust God completely, to take Him at His word, to trust Him even where I cannot trace Him, and to trust His plans and His purposes completely, unquestioningly, not because I am brain washed but because I know that He is completely trustworthy, even when Satan would infer doubts to the contrary, I trust Him! That kind of implicit trust has been bought by the blood of His Son: “He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?” (Rom 8:32).
  2. Love – (5:5) – love – a love for God like Adam never had! We love Him, not only as creator but as redeemer.
  3. Hope – (5:4) – hope – unlike any hope that Adam might have had! For we have seen that no matter how trying our circumstances and how difficult the way, hope that is in Him is never, NEVER, disappointed!

These 3 Christ like features that stamp the man or woman who has passed through Christ's mighty work of redemption, echo and recur throughout the NT scriptures and elsewhere, as features of Gods work, performed in time by the work of Christ and the activity of the Holy Spirit, that are eternal and enduring and which we will take with us into eternity:

  1. First prayer of 1 Thessalonians: “Remembering without ceasing your work of faith, and labour of love, and patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ, in the sight of God and our Father” (1Th 1:3)
  2. Second prayer of 1 Thessalonians: 1 Thess 3:10 Faith (3:12) Love (3:13) Hope (3:13)
  3. What endures after all service is finished (1 Co 13:3) ? After all sacrifice has been made (1 Co 13:3)? After all spiritual gifts have been used (1 Co 13:1-2, 1 Co 12; 1 Co 14) – faith, love and hope (1 Co 13:13).
  4. In 1 Peter 1:7 – the “trial of your faith” produces a product of far greater value than of gold, a faith of enduring and of eternal worth
  5. In 2 Peter 1 the “knowledge” of God in relationship brings about resemblance to Christ beginning with faith (2Peter1:5) and ending in Love (2 Peter1:7)
  6. In Romans 5: Faith (5:1,2); Love (5:5,8) and Hope (5:4).

If these features are not seen in my life then God has done nothing in my life! Is that His work and His purpose complete? Not quite, for having equipped us with a faith deeper than Adam ever had and a love for Him deeper than Adam could have experienced and a Hope that went beyond Eden's boundaries, God has equipped us, through the trials and difficulties of life with a joy and rejoicing in His Glory like Adam never knew (Rom 5:2) God delights to reveal His Glory in all that He does The only way that God can reveal the fullness of His sufficiency is against the background of the depths of man's greatest need. The only way by which God can reveal the depths of His love is in the fullness of His giving.

So it is that at the beginning of Romans 5 the believer can not only

  1. “rejoice in hope of the glory of God” (5:2) but the believer can also
  2. “rejoice in tribulation” (5:3)

because that tribulation works to the same end – it brings us to a practical experience of that Glory we hope for: “because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us” (5:5) In that experience of trial and tribulation God forges into us those very marks of His Glorious character: faith, love (5:5) and hope (5:4) The reality of our salvation is experienced in the trial: “δοκιμή” (5:4) - “experience” or “proof” - our salvation is real and we experience that through the tribulation.

  1. Gods purposes are sovereign over the Problems of Life
  2. Gods purposes are also sovereign in the Plan of Salvation (5:6-11)

His plan of Salvation was constructed not as a reaction to our problems but pre-empting our problems:

  1. “For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly.” (Rom 5:6)
  2. “But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” (Rom 5:8)
  3. “For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life.” (Rom 5:10)

Gods purposes are also sovereign in the Plight of Man (5:12-21):

Here is a very important statement of scripture, easily missed: “who is the figure of Him that was to come” (v14b) Gods work in Christ was not a reaction to Adams failure! Adams sin set the scene for Gods salvation in Christ! In other words God didn't save us because of Adam's fall! Adam fell that God might save us! Adam was the “figure”, the “type” of the person of Christ, ie. Adam was the lesser and Christ the greater, cf. Heb 9:9,23 – the tabernacle fashioned after the reality in heaven. Sometimes we get the question back to front: Is Christ up to dealing with Adams problem? Actually Adam is only a 'type' – a lesser shadow of one who performs a greater work (5:14). Gods work is far greater than this! Gods plan and purposes preceded our problem Adam and his failure was foundational to Christ and His triumph! This is a different way of looking at my problems and man's plight than they reasoning I might apply!

Recently the car hand brake broke, so I took it to the garage to get it fixed. Human logic and order says I fixed the car because it was broken. The order and logic of Romans 5 goes somewhat different, the breaks were broken that they might be fixed and so that I might discover the character of the mechanic as the one who fixes!

The purpose lies not in problem but in the process of solving the problem! The solution precedes the problem! The Glory of Christ was the reason for Adams failure! The Glory of Christ and His work were not simply a reaction to Adams failure!

Tuesday, 31 March 2009

Romans Chapter 4 Verses 13 to 25: Justification by Faith: Is the Beginning Not the End

Posted in by JS Gillespie |
Notes on Romans from a Message Preached by Dr J Stewart Gillespie on: Romans Chapter 4 Verses 13 to 25: Justification by Faith: Is the Beginning Not the End Justification by faith begins a life of faith It takes us beyond what we can grasp here and now It is a way of looking at the world, of understanding our life, of dealing with problems, of living for Christ in a world hostile to faith in principle and hostile to Christ in Person There is a great danger and a great temptation in the life of the believer once the great truth of justification by faith is grasped to look upon salvation as something which is now passed and is in the past, and now I can get on with my life as I please. We can then become connoisseurs of ministry, enjoying the meetings and preaching but going away unaffected and unchallenged by the Word of God, because we’ve already done salvation! We’re saved now and so that’s the end of the matter! Justification by faith is not the end of the matter it is the beginning of the matter! The Gospel is:
  1. A hope which I embrace
  2. A relationship which I enjoy
  3. A reality which I live for
  • The Scope of Gods promises (4:13-14)
  • The Certainty of Gods Promises (4:15-16)
  • Our Standing in Gods Promises (4:17)
  • The Seed and the Substance of Gods Promises (4:16-18)
  • The Strength of Gods Promises (4:19-20)

The Scope of Gods promises (4:13-14)

“Heir of the world” (v13) At a time in Abraham’s life when he did not even possess the land under his tent God promised him everything under the sky! Might say that property was not Abraham’s strong point! Herds and oxen and cattle yes (Gen12:16) but property no By the end of his life all that he owned of the land God had promised was the grave in which he had buried Sarah. Here is a consistent theme of Gods dealings in grace with men:

  • When God will choose a man to go before Pharoah He chooses Moses: “10And Moses said unto the LORD, O my Lord, I am not eloquent, neither heretofore, nor since thou hast spoken unto thy servant: but I am slow of speech, and of a slow tongue. 11And the LORD said unto him, Who hath made man's mouth? or who maketh the dumb, or deaf, or the seeing, or the blind? have not I the LORD? 12Now therefore go, and I will be with thy mouth, and teach thee what thou shalt say” (Ex4:10-12)
  • When God will choose a man to face the Midianites, he will choose Gideon, a farmer and not a soldier, “15 And he said unto him, Oh my Lord, wherewith shall I save Israel? behold, my family is poor in Manasseh, and I am the least in my father's house. 16 And the LORD said unto him, Surely I will be with thee, and thou shalt smite the Midianites as one man.” (Judges 6:15-16)
  • When God would choose a man to lead and rule a nation He would choose a Shepherd boy “6 And it came to pass, when they were come, that he looked on Eliab, and said, Surely the LORD'S anointed is before him. 7 But the LORD said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the LORD seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart. 8 Then Jesse called Abinadab, and made him pass before Samuel. And he said, Neither hath the LORD chosen this. 9 Then Jesse made Shammah to pass by. And he said, Neither hath the LORD chosen this. 10 Again, Jesse made seven of his sons to pass before Samuel. And Samuel said unto Jesse, The LORD hath not chosen these. 11 And Samuel said unto Jesse, Are here all thy children? And he said, There remaineth yet the youngest, and, behold, he keepeth the sheep” (1 Sam 16:6-11)
  • When Christ would call 12 disciples He would call fishermen not theologians!
  • When God chose an evangelist for the gentile world, who better to chose than a man totally opposed to the gospel, a persecutor of Christ! Run that one past me again! Ah well you say God didn’t really chose him for that calling, he converted him to that calling: “15 But when it pleased God, who separated me from my mother's womb, and called me by his grace”

The promise of God to Abraham “For the promise, that he should be the heir of the world, was not to Abraham, or to his seed, through the law, but through the righteousness of faith.” Romans 4:13; cf. Gen 22:17-18, massively outstripped the experience of Abraham up until that point. Why is Abraham described as “our Father” (Rom4:1,12,16) and why are believers even today referred to as the “children of Abraham” (Gal3:7) Was he the first man ever to have faith? No, ever before Abraham exercised faith there were men like Abel, Enoch and Noah, all recognised for their faith! What was so distinctive about Abraham? Was it not the quality of the faith which he exercised? “Who against hope believed in hope,” Romans 4:18. Faced with so many obstacles, so much to contradict the convictions of faith, so many problems in opposition to Gods promises Abraham believed and he kept on believing! Abraham allowed his expectation to go beyond his experience! Abraham’s vision extended beyond the horizon of natural experience! “For the promise, that he should be the heir of the world” (Romans 4:13) – how much of the world do you have? Well the ground under my tent! “Father of many nations” (4:17) – up until age 86 how many children do you have? Approximately? Give or take 1 or 2? Approximately 0! What about your wife? Aged 76 and never had any children! Then in the next 13 years, up until aged 99 years – 1 son to a slave girl! Do you ever think the Devil whispered in his ear: ‘get real Abraham’ or ‘come on Abraham, face reality,’ or ‘face the facts Abraham’ or ‘is it not about time you started to take things into your own hands Abraham’? On more than one occasion that was precisely what did happen: Consider the tension with Sarah his wife: “And Sarai Abram's wife took Hagar her maid the Egyptian, after Abram had dwelt ten years in the land of Canaan, and gave her to her husband Abram to be his wife” (Gen 16:3) – 10 years she had waited, was that long enough? Had Sarah had enough after 10 years? Had there been tension there between Sarah and Abraham for 10 long years? Consider the temptation presented to Abraham by the King of Sodom (Gen 14:21-23), that would increase Abrahams inheritance a bit wouldn’t it? It would give him a start? Consider the testing of Abraham (Gen 22) – just when he begins to make progress with Gods promises, he has a son, now he is to take that boy and offer him on the altar! Surely God is mocking you now Abraham. Abraham was a man whose faith could not be shaken, whose trust in his God could not be broken. Abraham allowed his expectation to go beyond his experience! By faith Abraham attained the unattainable! Faith takes the handbrake off of God’s inheritance. If works could never have earned the inheritance that Abraham gained what about the believers inheritance in 1 Peter 1:4-5? How could works ever earn an inheritance like this? The believer’s inheritance: “ἄφθαρτος” – incorruptible – used of the character of God: Rom1:23; 1 Tim1:17 “ἀμίαντος” – undefiled “ἀμάραντος” – fadeth not away The believers inheritance in 1 Peter chp 1 is “ready to be revealed” (1:5), that which is revealed in 1 Peter 1:7 is the person of Christ! If a man could never earn the inheritance of the world how could anyone ever earn Christ as his inheritance? Two great truths in 1 Peter chapter 1, the opening chapter of an epistle that has so much to say regarding the trials and testing and turmoil of the Christian experience and the “trial of your faith” to believers going through the fiery furnace of affliction as did Shadrach, Meshach and Abednigo of old:

  1. 1 Peter 1:18 – I belong to Christ because He has bought me, He has purchased me, ‘I am redeemed and I know it full well’
  2. 1 Peter 1:4 – Christ belongs to me! ‘I am His and He is mine forever’! Our inheritance is “in Christ” (Eph1:3,11,14) , our inheritance is an “eternal inheritance” (Heb9:15)

Two great truths in 1 Peter chapter 1, the opening chapter of an epistle that has so much to say If God desires me to enjoy Christ and to have an inheritance in Him, this is truly something that would never be possible by works. Some things you could work for in life: new watch, maybe new car, perhaps eventually pay off the house! There are some things, it doesn’t matter how much I might work for them I could never earn them: Buckingham Palace, the Taj Mahal! When preaching the gospel we often point out that Gods standard is too high to reach (Rom 3:23) and so it is. In chapter 4 we see that Gods salvation is too great to Deserve It was faith and it inly could be faith that would bring Abraham into a salvation of:

  • Infinite potential
  • Limitless possibility
  • Eternal prospect
  • Unimaginable power
  • Unbreakable promises

Works could never earn a salvation of this magnitude! Gods salvation was too great to earn!

The Certainty of Gods Promises (4:15-16)

The fulfilment of Gods promises are certain – for they rest upon Him and not upon us. Not upon our works but upon faith in Him If the fulfilment of Gods promises in salvation rested upon us neither David nor Abraham would have gained salvation! To gain such an inheritance could only ever be on the basis of faith No amount of good work or self effort could ever have brought Abraham into an inheritance of the world!

Our Standing in Gods Promises (4:17)

The Seed and the Substance of Gods Promises (4:16-18)

The promises given to Abraham did not germinate and come to fulfilment until much later on, many of them, not until after his death. 1st Isaac, then Jacob, then Jacob's 12 boys and then 12 tribes by those 12 boys after 430 years of captivity in Egypt and then about 2000 years after that the birth of the promised seed in whom all the nations of the earth would be blessed. The fufillment and germination of Gods promises went beyond the limit of a lifetime: "many nations" (4:17) "many nations" (4:18)

The Strength of Gods Promises (4:19-20)

The power, not mine, God was able to work even with a dead man (4:19)! God’s strength brings life from the dead! God’s strength brings liberty from our own liability! We can all make excuses, God looks for great expectations rather than great excuses! Because Gods promises are fulfilled by Gods power the Glory is all of God: "giving Glory to God." (4:20)

Tuesday, 24 March 2009

Romans Chapter 4 Verses 1 to 8: Justification by Faith is A Full Salvation

Posted in by JS Gillespie |
Notes on Romans from a message preached by Dr J Stewart Gillespie on: Romans Chapter 4 Verses 1 to 8: Justification by Faith is A Full Salvation
  1. Righteousness is Credited (4:1-5)
  2. Sin is Cleansed (4:6-8)

2 Errors of Mark 10:17-31:

  1. Salvation is Deserved: “what shall I do that I may inherit...” (10:17); “all these have I observed” (10:20)
  2. Salvation makes no Demands: salvation ultimately makes the demand of discipleship (Mk8:34), implicit in saving faith is that I see the need for salvation and implicit in this is repentance from the way I was going. Faith in Christ means turning away from sin, Satan and self.

Often emphasis the 2 sides to a sinner coming to Christ: repentance and faith:

  1. “Testifying both to the Jews, and also to the Greeks, repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ.” (Act 20:21)
  2. “Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on unto perfection; not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works, and of faith toward God,” (Heb 6:1)

“And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.” (Mar 1:15)

They are of course part and parcel of the same thing

  1. Repentance: “μετανοέω” - a change of mind:
  2. Turning to Christ in faith is Turning form sin

Repentance from sin is implicit in faith towards the Lord Jesus Christ One of the reasons that justification by faith alone does not mean I can be saved and still live as I please! Right from the start faith in Christ demands and implies repentance from sin!

Justification by Faith is a Full Salvation: 2 Aspects to this Full Salvation: answering to to faith and repentance Pervading Judaism and there in Mark chapter 10 was the idea that when it comes to salvation you get what you deserve Abraham was often presented as an example of this – he got what he deserved: served God from age 3 years kept the law before it was written The 1st of 7 men responsible for bring the Shekinah glory into the tabernacle Only righteous man in his generation Abraham's path to salvation was very different form the way many Jews imagined it to be:

  • Called out not from perfection to follow God but form idolatry: “And Joshua said unto all the people, Thus saith the LORD God of Israel, Your fathers dwelt on the other side of the flood in old time, even Terah, the father of Abraham, and the father of Nachor: and they served other gods. And I took your father Abraham from the other side of the flood, and led him throughout all the land of Canaan, and multiplied his seed, and gave him Isaac.” (Jos 24:2-3)
  • At times marked by incomplete obedience (Gen11:31; 12:5), not until Terah dies does Abraham fully obey the commandment of God and move out of Haran! Is it possible that Abrahams disobedience resulted in the death of Terah to bring Abraham to obedience? It is a feature of Abrahams life that: Abraham's obedience brings blessings to multitudes and Abraham's disobedience brings problems to those around him (cf. Pharaoh in Gen 12)
  • At times imperfect faith was: Gen 12:10 doubted Gods ability to meet his need in famine conditions; he went down to Egypt. A minor matter? A reasonable decision? One made without consulting the Lord! Reasonable, rational, responsible but but not guided by the Lord. Did it matter? from that he gained flocks from the flocks strife developed between Abraham and Lot, the strife resulted in the separation of Abraham and Lot as a consequence Lot went down towards Sodom as a result Lots daughters were born and brought up in Sodom as a consequence of this Lot when he was rescued from Sodom was alone in a cave with 2 girls educated and indoctrinated in the ways of Sodom. the incestuous relationship between Lot and his daughters resulted in the Moabites and the Ammonites (Gen 19:37). It was the Moabites and the Ammonites who oppressed Israel for years and it would be Ammonite and Moabite wives that Solomon would one day take to himself, they would bring in idolatry to the nation of Israel and ultimately the removal of the Kingdom (1Kings11:1ff). In other words that simple step of 'minor' disobedience ultimately was responsible for the greatest attack that Abraham's descendants experienced on gaining and enjoying the promises of Gods covenant with Abraham! How important to be obedient in every step for Christ! Not only that but in Egypt Abraham gained a servant girl Hagar from whom came Ishmael and the Arab nations and Islam, who to this very day hate and attack Israel! It is so often the small, the apparently inconsequential decisions of life that have huge consequences for the future. The path and the journey through life takes a lifetime of decisions and directions and determination and walking yet the briefest of decisions at one of lifes crossroads can profoundly change the direction of life forever! There may only be a few steps of a difference between turning right and left but they completely change my direction. The difference between faithfulness and failure may only be the difference of 2 or 3 footsteps. A simple, sensible but not spiritual decision to move from famine to food can spell disaster in the longer term.
  • At times interrupted communion (Gen12:8; 13:4) – no altar in Egypt?
  • At time inadequate appreciation of Gods purpose (Gen15:2)
  • At times impatience with Gods timing and Gods methods (Gen16:1-5) – Abraham knew it was wrong (Gen16:5)
  • An incomplete appreciation of the power and ability of God (Gen 17:17-18)

So was Abraham saved because he was perfect?

Was Abraham justified by works? (Rom4:2) Abraham was justified by faith (Gen15:6)

Was God indebted to justify Abraham (Rom4:4)? Did Abraham get what he deserved? If righteousness was reckoned as it was earned then the righteousness reckoned to Abraham would have been an imperfect righteousness, for Abrahams works were imperfect.

Sin is Cleansed (4:6-8) If Abraham got more than he might have expected then David received less than he might justly have deserved – a full salvation! In 2 Sam 24:1, 10-16 – 3 days of pestilance were cut to 1 day! Was God just in saying 3 days of pestilence as a punishement (24:13)? Surely God is just! So what do we say when instead of going for 3 days of pestilence God gives 1 day and then stops destroying Jerusalem? If one is justice then the other is surely grace! The pestilence was stayed by the grace of God (2 Sam24:16) and that in response to the repentance of the sinner (2 Sam24:17) Cf. also: “And David said unto Nathan, I have sinned against the LORD. And Nathan said unto David, The LORD also hath put away thy sin; thou shalt not die.” (2Sa 12:13) Why should David die? “The soul that sinneth it shall die” (Ezek 18:4,20) David had broken the commandments:

  • Thou shalt not kill – Uriah
  • Thou shalt not commit adultery
  • Thou shalt not steal
  • Thou shalt not covet
  • Thou shalt not bear false witness
  • He caused the heathen to blaspheme

David desired and pursued Bathsheba The punishment for any 1 broken law was death David broke 7 commandments

For defrauding his brother of offspring God slew Onan (Gen38) was God righteous? For raping Dinah God allowed the men of Shechem to be slain – was God righteous? God said: “thou shalt not suffer a murderer to live” was God righteous?

By the righteous standard of the law David ought to have been put to death. So what is 2 Sam 12:13 all about? Grace! Not only that but the law would have condemned Bathsheba to death too but not only is she allowed to live but from Bathsheba comes Solomon, wait for the punch line: “and the Lord loved him” called his name “Jedidiah” : “Loved of the Lord”

So David can speak of:

  • A 4 fold blessedness (Rom4:6-9)
  • A triple forgiveness: (Rom4:7,8)
  • A double negative (Rom4:8)
  • A single justification

A triple forgiveness: (Rom4:7,8) “Forgiven” (4:7) : 863 : “aphiemi” – to send forth / to send away, to dismiss: to remove the sins from someone Used of a debt cancelled (Matt18:27, 32, 35) – forgiveness is not merely the suspension of a payment, a payment holiday where the debt remains but we can stop paying it up, forgiveness means the debt is removed, it is cancelled 'I can forgive but I can't forget' often has harboured within it a grudge pointing to no forgiveness at all! Forgiveness is not the shell around the nut of bitter resentment! Gods people must be a forgiving people because Gods people are a forgiven people! Forgiveness removes presence of the debt Forgiveness removes the power of that sin (Matt9:2,6; Mk2:5,7,9) “aphiemi” – used of the Lord sending away the multitude (Mk4:36) “aphiemi” – used in “Then the devil leaveth him, and, behold, angels came and ministered unto him.” (Mat 4:11) That's good the Lord has “forgiven” my sin but He still knows about it! “who's sins are covered” : “ἐπικαλύπτω” - a double word 'epi' and 'kalupto' – covered over! Well they are forgiven – put away and they are covered over – not seen by God but what about if God brings that covering off? Will they not come back to haunt me? What if God changes His mind? “will not impute sin” - double negative – “will not ever impute sin” - “will not at all impute sin” “impute”: “λογίζομαι” : to credit or to reckon Sin is cancelled – a debt removed and forgiven Sin is covered Sin is never credited again It is possible to be saved and then to be determined to live under a constant cloud of oppression and guilt for past sin – that is not honouring to Christ! The man sick of the palsy had to take up his bed and walk The man of the Gaderenes had to leave the grave yard, go and tell and go and show. Paul had to “Arise, and go into the city, and it shall be told thee what thou must do.” (Acts9:6) God has purchased a people at great cost to enjoy a full salvation Righteousness Credited and Sin cleansed.

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